OUR battery aggregation PROJECT
Benefits of PV battery storage
Your Home Better is a full service created to make your homes more energy efficient. Installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, with battery storage, is the fastest way of reducing bills and carbon emissions.
As well as installing solar PV panels to generate electricity, we also offer 10kWh batteries. With a battery, you can store energy to use later and collectively sell energy when you don't need it These allow you to use up to twice as much as the energy you generate for yourself.
what is battery storage and aggregation?
Your Home Better is undertaking a project that enables homeowners in Greater Manchester to collaboratively manage their energy consumption to reduce costs. This initiative is referred to as our Battery Aggregation Project.
To do this, we want to install at least 600 batteries in the region (Electricity North West’s operating area). These will be controlled remotely by our partner, Flexitricity, working with a new organisation that you have the option to join and jointly control.
Our new project means that your home could generate as much zero carbon energy in a year as it uses, helping you to get off the fuel price escalator. And you can also reap the financial benefits from selling your energy. You could live in a warm, healthy, low or zero carbon home for no more than you are paying for your energy, while also being protected from future price rises.
We’ve put together some frequently asked questions about our battery storage. Or you can contact us to talk you through your options and find out what battery storage could do for your home.